This blog is for trollz fanatics. And others, blah, blah, blah. I hope you like my blog-spot! My favourite out of the Tollz is Sapphire. I have to say, we share the EXACT same personality. Love reading, love the colour blue, favourite food fish. P.S MY SISTERS AND I ARE trollz ONLY! If you would like to see more on my blog; or leave an angry or negative comment - feel FREE to do so! So that was just a lil message for you guys out there! I may also be launching a Neopets blog on April 6th.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Trollz girls only!

This blog is for girls only. Don't worry! - you do not have to like Trollz to see my blog, but it WILL be all about Trollz. If you would like to see this page again, add it to your favourites page or save the URL. {web address}

Here is some information on the Trollz...

Amethyst- she's as sweet as sugar, and is lovely as she looks. He favourite colour is pink, and the magic-gem in her belly button is a heart.
Wa-Wa is the name of her pet puppy,, and Amethyst's surname is Van-der-troll. Though fellow Trollz see Amethyst as cute and pretty, she doesn't seem to notice. She may be a crybaby sometimes, but she has a heart of gold. Her ancient is her Grandmother. Her best food is trollhouse cookies. Her brother is Coal.

Sapphire Trollzawa - Ah, this is one smart troll! Most of the time you may see Sapphire indulged in a book, or sipping trollacinoes with a handful of books in the library. Her favourite colour is blue, the furthest colour on the spectrum. If you ever went out with her for dinner, you can count on her to order a platter involving fish, it's her favourite food! Her magic gem is a flower. Be warned - do NOT try to cast any spells on this girl, she is a complete genius and knows them all. She is very kind and always comes up with a solution to any predicament she's faced with - quite like her her GrandfatherMr Trollheimer, who is also one of her Teachers. She has a pet Hamster called Helen. Her brother is Alabaster. She's very pretty and sweet!
Onyx- Don't mess with this goth-girl! Onyx favours the colours black and purple. If you ever bump into her, you'll be lucky to escape without setting off her fiery temper - if she's not bobbing to tunes on her MP3 player which is disguised as an earring. She is very sweet to her friends - ONLY! Onyx has an electric guitar, which she plays with her brother Flint. She like's to put extra onions in her all-time food- cheeseburgers. Her bedroom is somewhat of a spooky atmosphere and she is devoted to her pet Lizard Na-na. She always wears 2 bunches in her hair, and is rebellious enough to break the rules anytime she likes. Onyx has a sarcastic sense of humour and isn't afraid to tell people things  her way- whether they like it or not. Onyx is considered to be an attractive troll by the troll-dudes at her school. Her ancient is Spinell. Her surname is Vontrollenberg. Her gem is a crescent moon which matches her dark attitude.
Ruby- Now the first thing people come up with, is: ''Oh that troll has beauty! Shall I ask her to the dance?'' Ruby is forever glossing her radiant-red gelled hair and pampering herself. She has her own private trollimo, {wow} and is always styling the fur of her cat Re-ree with numerous bows. Ruby is always behaving in accordance with the 'rules of cool',, even if they mean breaking up with the BFFL. You'll always want the ''Princess'' on your side and her ancient is the spellz mastermind Obsidian. Her snacking knack is mint chocochip ice-cream - but just because she likes class, don't blame her if you spot a slight tinge of lipstick on the mirror!  Her surname is Trollman and her gem is quite like what she thinks of herself, a star.
Topaz- This sweeeeet troll is a total fashionista! She ADORES fashion and clothes, and is 'married to the mall.' Topaz 's Ancient Grandmother, Zirconia, despises fashion and make-up, after all, she had been zapped into a tree for 3000 years!  Her rabbit- La-la, is always nudging her knees shyly. Topaz is addicted to trollibeans, and finds her brother Jasper totally annoying. She likes the colour yellow. Her surnmae is Trollhopper and her gem is an diamond.

For more trollz information, email

See below for normal Trollz information.
{This is a FAQ that I put together.}


A: When baby girl trollz are born, amber is poured into their belly-buttons. When they are a year old, the drop of amber moulds into a gem that matches their disposition and forms a shape of its own.. No gem is the same, they're like fingerprints. Boys do not have gems, which means they cannot do magic! When the girlz get to a certain specific age, the gem begins to glow and they are able to do magic and spellz!


Trollzopolis is where the Trollz live. It is a HUGE place, considering it is a planet, and no-one except the trollz knows where it is situated/located. There are many hair-salons , shops, malls, parks and theme resorts! You know- EVERYTHING is about the hair. There is also an enormous games arcade, Trollz get to play there for free and win trollers! After that they go back home to the padz and arrange a sleepover!

Sure can do!

Coal-  Troll girlz think that Coal is the most handsome trollz boy in Trollzopolis. But what they don't know is that he's also the most clumsiest! In a hurry to make her brother cool, Amethyst once acciedentaly turned coal into ice! Coal has 4 friends- the bffl's brothers, Jasper, Rock, Alabaster, and Flint! Coal's green hair and rebel-style clothes attract girl trollz from all around.

Alabaster-  Alabaster is the male equivalent of Sapphire - he's really smart. Alabaster is a multi- millionaire, but he donates all of his money to good causes and buys geeky clothes and gadgets with the rest! His favourite thing to splurge on are spellcalculators, and he sometimes goes on shopping sprees with Sapphire. Everyone thinks Alabaster should buy hotter clothes and designer caps, but Alabaster disapproves of that widely-shared opinon. When thickframed glasses and sweaters knitted bought buy your Nan come into fashion, Alabaster will be the King of Cool.

Flint- This Troll is forever playing his soulful Guitar. Gelled to the max - Flint's spiky pink hair and black studded clothes make him also identical to  Onyx. Flint is always playing sad,wistful music, and coming up with silly songs to go with it. If he is in an extremely good mood, you may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of him playing jazz.
